As extreme weather drives the increasing appeal and demand for green products globally, circular economy has been considered as the powerful weapon to fight against climate crisis. During Touch Taiwan 2021, AUO will demonstrate how it successfully boosts the performance of circular manufacturing through solid, innovative and profound technologies applied in every aspect of product stages in the exhibition themed “The Circular Transformation of Product Life Cycle.” AUO will also share its achievements of product applications as well as green production through the strategic alliance with value chain partners.


Early in 2008, AUO has made its commitment to the environment based on the comprehensive concept of circular production. By setting the target, mechanism and platform, AUO has laid the foundation of circular economy and actively shape the future to respond to the United Nation’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) “Responsible Production.” Taking 2017 as baseline, AUO scales up the benefits of circular economy through various actions and devotes to the goal to reach a growth rate of 135% by 2025. By 2020, through recycling process material, reducing water consumption and waste, designing and marketing of circular products, AUO has achieved nearly 58% of target, ahead of the planned schedule. For environmental indicators evalssuating circular production performance, AUO also surpasses itself year by year. Indicators including processed water recycled rate up to nearly 95%, packaging material from supply chain recycled rate up to 96%, and waste reuse rate of 83% have fully demonstrated AUO’s fruitful results from relentless technologies enhancement, new ideas adoptions, and alliance with multi-faceted value chain partners.


To make consumers and partners from upstream and downstream of value chain thoroughly understand AUO’s belief and persistence toward the value of circular economy, in this exhibition, AUO will showcase the introduction of recycled plastics at design stage, recycling defected glasses and recyclability, etc. Furthermore, to respond to the challenging drought issue that confronted Taiwan currently, AUO also presents the self-developed processed water recycled system that allows AUO to agilely distribute water resource and reduce the operation impacts. In addition, AUO will also share its experiences of promoting recycled water knowledge in the environmental education field GreenArk, as well as the milestone of establishing “AUO Envirotech,” an AUO subsidiary specialized in sustainable water resource management.


In terms of green manufacturing practices, AUO devotes to the reduction and circular process of industrial wastes, liquid wastes recycling and building strong alliance with suppliers to integrate innovative technologies for wastes added-value, which transforms them into raw material for industrial or consumer products. AUO’s achievements include transforming quenched waste copper liquid into highly-purified copper tube, reusing the purified waste alignment material in manufacturing process. AUO will presents how it carries out circular production from sourcing to waste management, including minimization of raw material and innovative waste reduction measures developed at the manufacturing stage.


For green packaging and transportation, AUO focuses on the development of sustainable logistics, efficiently reducing the waste of resources through the design and recycle of packaging materials. At Touch Taiwan 2021, AUO will present the concept of “Shared Packaging Material” awarded by iF Packaging Design Award and Golden Pin Design Award to verify the balancing concept of product safety and resource sharing. The design can cut down value chain waste and eliminate the environmental impacts brought by product delivery.


Besides various physical exhibits, to extend AUO’s core technologies of display, Amy Ku, AUO Chief Sustainability Officer will share the experiences of promoting circular economy, forging consensus and building cooperation with value chain partners, under the speech title “Circular Economy: AUO and the Industry’s Challenges and Opportunities”


Looking forward, AUO will continually implement comprehensive circular economy strategies and strengthen the alliance with value chain partners to proactively promote sustainable products and increase the efficiency of resource utilization. AUO will also team up with suppliers to carry out green purchasing, recycling to fulfill its commitment to the public, as well as create more green business opportunities through various environmental-friendly practices.


*Visit AUO Touch Taiwan event site for more info:

AUO continues to advance and harvest on circular productions with processed water recycled rate up to nearly 95%.



AUO transforms wastes into useful industrial or consumer products raw material. The picture shows highly-purified copper tube made from quenched wastes copper liquid.



AUO will showcase the internationally recognized “Shared Packaging Material,” which balances product safety and resource sharing, and reduce environmental impacts.